The ARCs Arrive!

It’s such a thrill to receive Advanced Reading Copies. These are the “test books” the publisher prints and distributes to media and reviewers before the final publication of a book. For the author, it means it’s really happening. Really: A Russian Sister.

An Anthology of Canadian Literature in English

I’m honoured to be included in Oxford University Press’ doorstopping Anthology of Canadian Literature in English. I’m between the covers with two of my idols, Mavis Gallant and Alice Munro, along with many other writers I admire. “Bringing together a wide range of short fiction, poetry, and settler narratives, this anthology includes the country’s earliest …


I’m thrilled to have been invited to the inaugural AfterWords Festival in Halifax, Nova Scotia. I’ll be sharing the stage Friday, October 4th with Cary Fagan, then presenting a workshop the following morning. Click here for a full festival program. Click here for details about the workshop.