Which is the title of my new story just published in Numero Cinq, the inimitable Douglas Glover’s on-line magazine. Glover is just about the smartest and funniest writer-critic around. I’m thrilled to be on his site.
The Porcupine’s Quill Blog
The Porcupine’s Quill of Erin, Ontario, published my first book, Bad Imaginings, in 1993, on acid-free Zephyr Antique Laid stock, sewn into signatures. It’s still in print. I was recently interviewed by PQ intern Kathleen Icely and here is the result.
In the Flesh Reviewed
Here’s a very fine review of In the Flesh from the Globe and Mail. Congratulations to all the contributors!
Pleased to Meet You on c-Stories
Pleased to Meet You is available as a full-length ebook, or as “singles” in this new initiative from Thomas Allen Publishers and Cormorant Books. Take a look.
2011 National Magazine Award Nominee
Buckled over laughing to learn that “How I Lost the War Against the War and Learned to Love Arnold Schwarzenegger” has been nominated for a 2011 National Magazine Award for Humour. Many thanks to the very funny Lynn Coady and the most amusing Curtis Gillespe, Eighteen Bridges editors, for commissioning the piece. Read all the nominees here.
Richmond Writer in Residence Final Event
In the Flesh
The Sky Is Falling Academic Discounts
Teachers, instructors, professors: The Sky Is Falling is available to academics at a 20% discount for both individual copies and course orders. Click here for details: The Sky Is Falling
Which is the title of my new long short story just out in issue 121 of The New Quarterly, on better newstands now.
“Lives of the House” On Line
My essay on my house is now available to read on the Geist website. Click here.