I’ll be giving a 2-hour workshop on Writing Narrative Scenes as part of the Sidney Literary Festival. For more information about the festival, and to register, please click here.
I’ll be giving a 2-hour workshop on Writing Narrative Scenes as part of the Sidney Literary Festival. For more information about the festival, and to register, please click here.
I’m thrilled to be hosting this writing retreat with the inimitable Kathy Page. If you are a writer, childhood can be your creative Eden. Whether you want to use childhood experiences directly as subject matter in fiction, memoir or poetry, or translate the powerfully imprinted memories and sensations into “emotional autobiography,” or capture the child’s point of view when writing juvenile fiction, this retreat aims to make more available this resource that is unique to you. For more information, and to register, click here.
Doubly-delighted to have my story, “All My Auld Acquaintances Are Gone,” not only selected for Best Canadian Stories 2023, but chosen as the winner of the Metcalf-Rooke Award. Originally published in Canadian Notes and Queries, you can read the story here. Many thanks to Biblioasis for championing the short story form in the Best Canadian series.
My story “All Our Auld Acquaintances Are Gone,” originally published in Canadian Notes and Queries, can now be read online. Enjoy it here!
I’m absolutely thrilled to have a new story published in The Walrus. It’s even available online. Click here to read!
Delighted to be part of this anthology on the craft of writing. On offer: advice from forty-three sage authors. Thank you Anvil Press! For more information, click here.
How delightful to see my first ever non-fiction piece from 30 or so years ago republished! Thank you to Event Magazine. And look at the wonderful company I’m in! More information about this celebratory issue can be found here.
So happy to be interviewed by The Artisanal Writer about my crush on Anton Chekhov and writing in general. Check out the interview here.
I’m so happy to have guest curated the 2021 Denman Island Readers and Writers Festival! As well as a week-long Zoom narrative workshop (with me) you can sign up for a 3-hour workshop with this stellar faculty: Griffin Poetry Prize nominee Joseph Dandurand (Sharing Our Gift), Kevin Chong (Writing and Pandemics), Jillian Christmas (Spoken Word), Shaena Lambert (Writing Engaged Fiction and Memoir in the Climate Era), and Wendy Wickwire (Animating the Creative in Creative Non-Fiction). Register now: https://denmanislandwritersfestival.com/workshops/
I’m delighted to be part in Talking Fresh 2021 with the inimitable Marina Endicott and Alix Hawley. We’ll be talking about the the perils – and joys – of reimagining history on Saturday 6 March, 1 pm SK time. For more information and to register, click here.