I’m delighted to be doing this joint virtual event with the Port Hope Public Library, Furby House Books and Let’s Talk Books, 7 pm EDT. You can join in here on the Port Hope Library’s Facebook page.
I’m delighted to be doing this joint virtual event with the Port Hope Public Library, Furby House Books and Let’s Talk Books, 7 pm EDT. You can join in here on the Port Hope Library’s Facebook page.
Thank you to the Denman Island Readers and Writers Festival for replacing the cancelled in-person festival with something everyone can attend and enjoy. Watch some of the 2020 guest writers talk about and read from their books here.
I’m delighted to receive this advanced notice for A Russian Sister in the Globe and Mail. The novel is available 18 August, but available now for pre-order.
This year the Denman Island Writing Week Workshop will be held on line, making it available to anyone! Click here for information.
It’s such a thrill to receive Advanced Reading Copies. These are the “test books” the publisher prints and distributes to media and reviewers before the final publication of a book. For the author, it means it’s really happening. Really: A Russian Sister.
If you live in Vancouver, please come out and help celebrate Best Canadian Stories 2019! Details in the poster below.
What an honour it was to be Vancouver mentor for the 2019 Shoe Project. This year’s performance takes place Saturday, January 11 at 7 PM and
Sunday, January 12 at 2 PM at the BMO Theatre Centre. Our story tellers come from Brazil, Nepal, Syria, Russia, the Philippines, Chile, Kurdistan, Kosovo, China, Iran, and Tajikistan. Click here for tickets to this inspiring event.
“Now in its 49th year, Best Canadian Stories has long championed the short story form and highlighted the work of many writers who have gone on to shape the Canadian literary canon.” And in 2019, I had the honour of being the cannon-shaper selector in my role as guest editor. Best Canadian Short Stories 2019 is now available!
I’m honoured to be included in Oxford University Press’ doorstopping Anthology of Canadian Literature in English. I’m between the covers with two of my idols, Mavis Gallant and Alice Munro, along with many other writers I admire. “Bringing together a wide range of short fiction, poetry, and settler narratives, this anthology includes the country’s earliest English-language writers, beloved favourites, and important new writers.”
I’m so pleased to be coming back to the Vancouver Writers Fest for three events. I’ll be presenting The Mostly True Story of Pudding Tat, Adventuring Cat on Thursday October 24th at 1:00pm as well as hosting two events, Writing the Edge of the World with Joan Thomas and Marina Endicott, and Big Stories, Small Packages, with Philip Huynh, Anosh Irani, Bill Richardson and Zalika Reid-Benta. I hope to see you there!