The Shoe Project

I feel incredibly fortunate to have been involved in The Shoe Project, a writing and performance program for immigrant and refugee women.  Over the last ten-weeks I’ve been guiding this group of women from Eritrea, Somalia, Columbia, Peru, Bangladesh, Tibet, Syria, Indonesia and Kurdistan to write the stories of their journey here.  They move on now to work with voice coaches and will perform their stories on Friday June 22 at the Museum of Vancouver.  Details are here.




Program Director, Writing Studio

Without a doubt the Banff Centre was been the most formative institution in my writing life.  I first went as a participant in the Writing Studio in 1986 under the directorship of the late, great Adele Wiseman.  I returned in 1991 when Rachel Wyatt was director.  Friends I made have remained in my life.  In later years I returned many times as faculty at both Wired Writing and the Writing Studio.  It is such an honour to have been named Greg Hollingshead‘s successor as program director.  Click here for more information, including how to apply to the Writing Studio.

Satellite(s)/Vancouver Vanishes

It’s a real thrill when something you create inspires another creation.  “Solo Collective tackles the ever challenging Vancouver housing landscape with its play inspired by author Caroline Adderson’s book Vancouver Vanishes.”  Information about and tickets for Aaron Bushkowsky’s play Satellite(s) can be found here.  For more about Vancouver Vanishes click here.